Veselin Atanasov, EFIAP

He was born on 15.07.1976 in the city of Kazanlak.
He has been interested in fine arts as a hobby since childhood. He went through painting, aquascaping and settled on photography in 2015 after a series of exotic travels that inspired him to capture and share the beautiful landscapes and colorful life in his homeland and around the world. Since then, he has had numerous participations and has won recognitions in prestigious photography contests and publications in acknowledged media such as National Geographic. He was awarded the AFIAP distinction in 2017 and in the next 2018 year, he won the EFIAP distinction.

Veselin Atanasov, EFIAP

He was born on 15.07.1976 in the city of Kazanlak.
He has been interested in fine arts as a hobby since childhood. He went through painting, aquascaping and settled on photography in 2015 after a series of exotic travels that inspired him to capture and share the beautiful landscapes and colorful life in his homeland and around the world. Since then, he has had numerous participations and has won recognitions in prestigious photography contests and publications in acknowledged media such as National Geographic. He was awarded the AFIAP distinction in 2017 and in the next 2018 year, he won the EFIAP distinction.